• Mangalam | Malappuram | Kerala


World Coconut Day

Vegetable Day

Vegetable day

Christmas Celebrations

Montessori Material Exhibition

Montessori Material Exhibition

Montessori Material Exhibition

World Malala day

Field trip

Field trip

Field Trip

Fruits Day

Fruits day

Montessori Day

Montessori Day

Children's Day

Material activity

Play room

Material Activity

Material Activity

Dr. Maria Montessori devised a method of education, which combines a philosophy with practical approach based on the central idea of freedom for the child within a carefully planned environment. 

The child must possess a pre determined psychic pattern with in him/ her by birth. For revealing  this two conditions must be full filled- the environment and freedom. If these two conditions are absent, the psychic life of the child will not reach its potential and his personality will be stunted.

The Montessori environment plays a very important role in the development of the  child. It is nourishing place to meet the child’s need for self construction .

In the Montessori environment at MES Central School , Mangalam, we give children activities that engage the child’s whole personality. By working with the materials he/ she  develops the innate  abilities. Each material has a definite purpose and meaning  to the child. It progresses  from simple to complex in design and usage. The  Montessori materials are designed for auto education and ‘the Control of  Error’ shown in the alongside the materials help for self correction.   Generally lessons are given on an individual basis, because no two children can be exactly in the same stage of development.